
Grade Placement

These students are computing and recording products involving decimals. Each student selects a Decimal Square rolls a die and computes the product of the whole number from the die times the decimal from the square.
Photo courtesy of Herb Moyer
Steps that address topics most commonly taught at your grade level are listed in the column under that grade level. Steps that will allow you to fully develop a decimal topic are listed across the row of that topic.
Step 1 in every section presents the concepts at a readiness or concrete level before introducing decimal terminology. This step is extremely important for establishing an understanding of decimal concepts and insights to decimals. At every grade level students new to the Decimal Squares program or those experiencing difficulty with decimal concepts will benefit from the Readiness Steps.

The Performance Tests and Achievement Test in the Teacher Resource Package can be used to determine accomplishment of the objectives for a given section or placement in the Decimal Squares program.
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© Copyright 2001-2009 Albert Bradley Bennett Jr.