Sample Lessons
The Step By Step Decimal Squares Teacher's Guide contains 4-6 steps (lessons) for each of the following major topics: basic concepts; equality; inequality; addition; subtraction; multiplication; and division. Each step addresses a specific topic and consists of a two-page lesson on facing pages.
Teacher's Guide showing two-page facing lesson
Each lesson opens with the purpose and the materials required for the activities. The lesson is divided into three major components: TEACHER MODELING/STUDENT RESPONSE (instruction and student activities); EXPANDING THE CONCEPTS (problem solving games and writing about decimals); and INDEPENDENT PRACTICE (worksheets and interactive computer games). The last step for each of the seven major decimal topics includes a Performance Test from the Teacher Resource Package. The following five lessons provide samples from five of the seven major topics.

Basic Concepts Equality Inequality
Addition Subtraction
About the Author.
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© Copyright 2001-2009 Albert Bradley Bennett Jr.